Front Squat + Press

How to Front Squat + Press
Primary Muscles: Full Body
Exercise Families: Squat
Equipment: Dumbbell
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand with the feet just outside of shoulder-width, angle the toes out about 20 to 30 degrees. Pull your shoulder blades back, hold your spine and head in good posture. Bend the elbows and lift the arms to position the weights at the peak of your shoulders.
Hold the weights in front of you, even at the chest or shoulders. Exhale, activate the core and contract the abdominals to stabilize your spine. Slowly begin to inhale, push the hips back and down—allow the knees to bend naturally and the trunk to lean forward.
Continue lowering the body, sinking into the squat as far as possible maintaining proper posture and balance. Hold the down-position for approximately 1 - 2 seconds.
Slowly begin to exhale, activate the core, and press through the floor, tightening your glutes and thighs, pushing through the arch of your feet to drive the body upward as you return to the starting position.
Pause briefly and press the dumbbells overhead with control. Slowly return the weights to the peak of the shoulders and repeat the compound movement for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
The depth of your squat should be determined by the alignment of your spine. Lower the body until the crest of your pelvis (hip bone) presses against the top of the thigh (or as far as possible) while maintaining proper posture and balance. Keep the chest held high and the shoulder blades pulled back to ensure you keep a natural arch in your lower back.
You should feel this exercise challenging your core, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, shoulders, and trunk muscles.
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