Sugar Substitutes: Why Stevia May be the Most Attractive Choice

Eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain and serious health problems. Sugar substitutes are a good way to reduce your daily sugar intake, while still enjoying sweet foods and beverages.
If you have never heard of Stevia, you will be excited to learn more about this low-calorie sweetener. Stevia is different from many of the other sugar substitutes that are available on the market today. The following information will help you to see why Stevia is the right choice for you.
What is Stevia?
Stevia is not an artificial sweetener, as it is naturally derived. Stevia is derived from the Stevia Rebaudiana plant. This sweetener is also referred to as sugarleaf, or sweet leaf. The Stevia Reubadiana plant is native to South and Central America, and also grows in some parts of the United States.
While Stevia has only gained popularity in the United States over the last decade, many other counties have known about its natural sweetening properties for a very long time. Freshly picked Stevia leaves are a refreshing treat. Stevia leaves also make a great iced tea that is great for summer. Stevia extracts can be used to sweeten hot beverages like tea or coffee, or as a substitute for sugar in various recipes.
How Sweet is Stevia?
Many artificial sweeteners aren’t all that sweet, and have a bitter taste, or a bad aftertaste. Stevia does not have a bad aftertaste, and is not bitter. In fact, when in highly concentrated form, Stevia extracts are almost 300 times sweeter than sugar.
When you are using Stevia, be sure to remember how sweet it is so you don’t over sweeten your food or drink. More and more companies that manufacture food are starting to use Stevia in place of sugar because a little bit goes a long way, meaning that they can save money on manufacturing costs by using Stevia.
"Stevia extracts are almost 300 times sweeter than sugar."
Is Stevia a Good Choice for Diabetics?
Stevia is indeed an excellent choice for diabetics. Scientific studies have proven that the steviol glycisides contained in Stevia do not have the same effect on blood sugar levels as sugar. In fact, it may even be beneficial for diabetics to consume Stevia daily. There is evidence to suggest that Stevia can greatly improve blood sugar levels, and enhance glucose tolerance. If you are diabetic, you do not have to give up your sweet treats! With Stevia, you can still eat tasty desserts and be guilt free.
Can Stevia Help Dieters Lose Weight?
Stevia can help dieters to lose weight because it is a low calorie sweetener. Foods sweetened with large amounts of sugar are loaded with calories and carbohydrates, two things that dieters do not want to have a lot of in their daily diet. Diet food manufacturers are starting to catch on, and are using Stevia more and more in their products.
Sugar substitutes are a great choice for diabetics, dieters, and health conscious individuals. If you are looking for the best sugar substitute, Stevia is an attractive choice for many reasons. The next time you are at your local grocery store, be sure to look for Stevia extracts. Here’s to your health!
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