Concentration Bicep Curl

Learn how to perform concentration bicep curls with video and instructions by SHOCK App trainer, Ashley Steele.

How to Left Concentration Curl

Primary Muscles: Upper Body,  Biceps

Exercise Families: Arms

Equipment: Dumbbell

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Sit on a bench with your trunk leaning forward and chest up tall. Rest your right hand on your right thigh. Grasp a dumbbell in your left hand, with your elbow resting against your left inner thigh.

  2. Curl the weight, bending the left elbow as you flex your left arm. Squeeze and hold the up-position briefly.

  3. Slowly lower the weight until your left elbow is straight. Pause briefly, and repeat the curl for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  4. Be sure to keep your wrist straight and maintain contact between your left elbow and left leg as you curl the weight in your left hand.  

Alternative Exercises:

Elevation Curl  Bicep Curl

How to Right Concentration Curl

Primary Muscles: Upper Body,  Biceps

Exercise Families: Arms

Equipment: Dumbbell

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Sit on a bench with your trunk leaning forward and chest up tall. Rest your left hand on your left thigh. Grasp a dumbbell in your right hand, with your right elbow resting against your right inner thigh.

  2. Curl the weight, bending the right elbow as you flex your right arm. Squeeze and hold the up-position briefly. 

  3. Slowly lower the weight until your right elbow is straight. Pause briefly, and repeat the curl for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  4. Be sure to keep your wrist straight and maintain contact between your right elbow and right leg as you curl the weight in your right hand. 

Alternative Exercises:

Seated Bicep Curl  Split Elevation Curl

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