Glute Kickback

How to Left Glute Kickback
You Should Feel This: Glutes
Equipment: Bodyweight
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Start in a kneeling position, arms spaced shoulder width. Contract the glutes to extend the left hip in the air while keeping the knee bent 90 degrees.
Continue contracting the glutes until you reach a position of full hip extension with the left leg. Pause briefly, holding the up-position.
Return the left hip to the starting position and repeat for the specified amount of time or repetitions. Be sure to keep the core strong throughout the exercise to stabilize the spine.
You should feel this working your glutes and hamstrings.
Alternative Exercises:
Glute Pulse • Glute Bridge Reach
How to Right Glute Kickback
You Should Feel This: Glutes
Equipment: Bodyweight
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Start in a kneeling position, arms spaced shoulder width. Contract the glutes to extend the right hip in the air while keeping the knee bent 90 degrees.
Continue contracting the glutes until you reach a position of full hip extension with the right leg. Pause briefly, holding the up-position.
Return the right hip to the starting position and repeat for the specified amount of time. Be sure to keep the core strong throughout the exercise to stabilize the spine.
You should feel this working your core, glutes, and hips.
Alternative Exercises:
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