Lateral Lunge + Press

How to Lateral Lunge + Press
Primary Muscles: Full Body
Equipment: Dumbbell
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Position the feet just outside of shoulder-width, a pair of dumbbells in front of the body approximately shoulder-height. Draw your shoulder blades back, while keeping your spine and head in good posture. Exhale, activate the core, and contract the abdominals to stabilize your spine.
Slowly begin to inhale, and step to the left, pushing the hips back and down while allowing the knees to bend naturally and the trunk to lean forward.
Continue lowering the body, squatting back and down with your left leg, keeping the right leg straight. Lower as far as you can, maintaining proper posture and balance.
Slowly begin to exhale, activate the core, and press through the floor with your left leg, pushing through the arch of your left foot to drive the body back to the starting position.
Pause briefly and press the dumbbells overhead with control. Slowly return the weights to the peak of the shoulders and repeat the movement on the right leg.
You should feel this exercise working your arms, shoulders, hamstrings, quads, and glutes.
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