Alternating Lateral Squat

How to Alternating Lateral Squat
Exercise Families: Squat
Equipment: Med Ball
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand in good posture holding a med ball firmly with both hands. Position your feet just outside of shoulder-width, toes angled outward approximately 25 degrees.
Squat back and down to the right, keep the left leg straight, allow the knees to bend naturally, and the trunk to lean forward. Pause briefly, push through the hips to drive the body to the starting position. Repeat the lateral squat on the left leg and continue alternating for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
Be sure to maintain good posture and keep the knees aligned with the feet as you squat laterally from side-to-side.
You should feel this working the glutes, hips, and thigh muscles.
Alternative Exercises:
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