Triple Lunge Jump

How to Triple Lunge Jump (L)
Exercise Families: Cardio, Lunge
Equipment: Bodyweight
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand in a split stance on the ball of your right foot (back leg), with your left leg forward. Angle your trunk forward approximately 20 degrees, and maintain a neutral spine by keeping your chest tall. This is the starting position.
Perform three complete reps of a static lunge. On the fourth repetition, briefly hold the down-position of the lunge, and drive both feet through the ground to spring your body toward the sky.
Land softly and repeat the sequence—three complete lunges followed by an explosive jump on your left leg for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
You should feel this working the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Alternative Exercises:
How to Triple Lunge Jump (R)
Exercise Families: Cardio, Lunge
Equipment: Bodyweight
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand in a split stance on the ball of your left foot (back leg), with your right leg forward. Angle your trunk forward approximately 20 degrees, and maintain a neutral spine by keeping your chest tall. This is the starting position.
Perform three complete reps of a static lunge. On the fourth repetition, briefly hold the down-position of the lunge, and drive both feet through the ground to spring your body in the air.
Land softly and repeat the sequence—three complete lunges followed by an explosive jump on your right leg for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
You should feel this working the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Alternative Exercises:
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