90/90 Crunch

90/90 Crunch on Yoga Mat

How to 90/90 Crunch

You Should Feel This: Abs

Exercise Families: Trunk Flexion

Equipment: Yoga Mat

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Lie on your back, with your hips and knees flexed to 90 degrees. Support the weight of your head with your hands. Be sure not to pull on the back of your head during the crunch.

  2. Exhale, contract your abs, and slowly curl your torso towards your hips. The movement should focus on pulling your rib cage towards your pelvis (the neck stays relaxed while the chin is tucked towards the neck).

  3. Continue curling up, drawing your elbows close to the thighs, while lifting the upper back slightly off the floor. Hold this position briefly. Keep your abs engaged as you slowly uncurl, separating your rib cage from your pelvis as your shoulder blades move towards the ground.

  4. Pause briefly in the starting position, and repeat for the specified amount of time. Performing 90/90 crunches too rapidly tilts the pelvis anteriorly, increasing the stress on the low back and should be avoided.

  5. You should feel this exercise challenging your abdominals and hip flexors. 

Alternative Exercises:

BOSU 90/90 Crunch  Knee Tuck

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