Weighted Alternating Toe Reach

Med Ball Alternating Toe Reach on Yoga Mat

How to Alternating Toe Reach

You Should Feel This: Abs

Exercise Families: Trunk Flexion

Equipment: Med Ball

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Lie on your back holding a weight in the air with your arms fully extended. Keep a slight bend in your knees.

  2. Tighten your core to lift your shoulders off the ground and curl your trunk up and forward and slightly to the left. Pause briefly at the highest point of the motion, the weight should be near the side of the foot.

  3. Keep your abs engaged and control your torso as the body lowers to the starting position. Pause briefly, repeat the movement to the right side.

  4. Continue alternating for the specified amount of repetitions.

  5. You should feel this working your abs, obliques, core, and hip flexor muscles.

Alternative Exercises:

Alternating Toe Reach  Walking Toe Reach

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