Weighted Rotation Lunge

How to Weighted Rotation Lunge
Exercise Families: Lunge
Equipment: Med Ball
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold a medicine ball in front of you with a firm grip by both hands. Pull your shoulder blades back and tighten your abs to engage your core.
Extend the arms straight out so that your elbows are straight, and the medicine ball is shoulder height. Step forward by lifting the left foot off the floor, slowly transfer your body-weight into the left leg once your left foot is planted firmly on the ground. Keep your hips square, avoid sideways tilting or swaying in the upper body.
With your left foot firmly on the ground, push the hips back and down—allow the knees to bend naturally and the trunk to lean forward as you descend towards the floor.
Focus more on lowering your hips towards the floor rather than driving your hips forward. This will reduce stress on the knee.
Continue lowering your body to a comfortable position or until your left thigh becomes parallel with the floor. From the lowered position, engage your core and slowly rotate to the left. Rotate as far as you can with control, pause, and slowly rotate back to position the ball in front of you.
Firmly push the left foot into the ground and pull yourself back to a standing position. As you are pulling yourself forward with the left leg, pick the right leg off of the ground and slowly swing it forward to initiate the next lunge. Repeat the lunge with your right leg, and continue the rotation lunges for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
Rotation Lunges are a great way to challenge core stability and balance while challenging the legs. You should feel this exercise working your abs, glutes, quads, hamstrings.
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